Sunday, February 22, 2015

The beauty of the Umbul Ponggok Klaten

Umbul Ponggok located in Village Ponggok, District Polanharjo, Klaten, Central Java. Approximately can be achieved 1 hour drive from the city of Yogyakarta. Were treated to a view of typical rural roads, green rice field, and the cool air. Umbul Ponggok is the largest artificial bathing pool in Klaten with an area of approximately 6000 meters. The existence Umbul Ponggok has been around since the days of hundreds of years ago, in ancient times used for irrigation Umbuk Ponggok cane plantations, and at this time Umbul Ponggok function is as an object bathhouse. Other than, that the depth of Umbul Ponggok is also varied, to the outskirts of approximately 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters and is getting deeper and deeper into the middle, with a depth of 3 to 4 meters. 

The excess Umbul Bannerman Ponggok is water from the springs is derived from proper under Umbul, therefore water in Umbul Ponggok very clear and clean, so that from the top of umbul we could see the bottom of Umbul Ponggok very clearly. Another advantage of this umbul is the basis of Umbul Ponggok dominated by stones, gravel, moss and sand so it looks like in the sea. The excess of the latter is an Umbul Ponggok It contains hundreds of freshwater fish the size of a little finger up to the thigh adults, the fish of the pennant is not dangerous, even they are already accustomed to human presence. No one if Umbul Ponggok is nuanced springs in the ocean, with hundreds of fish, large rocks, sand bottom umbul, very clear water, and if the sun is hot, the occasional sunlight into the clear water of Bannerman Ponggok the beauty.

Other supporting facilities around the area Umbul Ponggok enough complete, there are facilities equipment leasing and snoorkling camera under water, 4 bathrooms that can be used to shower after swimming satisfied, there are several food stalls selling a variety of food, a few benches and a place to rest, but the area is still minimal Umbul Ponggok trash, so some visitors throw garbage anywhere, and worse still there are visitors who throw garbage in the pennant, hopefully supporting facilities in Umbul Ponggok more complete and visitor awareness of hygiene tourist area higher for the convenience of all visitors and for the sake of cleanliness of this place. Umbul Ponggok currently not too crowded, most visitors still dominated by the surrounding community, therefore this place could be a reference to fill or fill holiday weekend.

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