Friday, February 27, 2015

Golden Sunrise Mountain Peak Sikunir Dieng, Wonosobo

Sikunir mountain peak located in Sembungan, District Kejajar, Wonosobo. Location mountain top Sikunir itself, is around 8 km from Dieng that takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour to the summit Sikunir. Sikunir the top of the mountain at an altitude of 2,300 above sea level. Here we can clearly see the blend of scenery between Mount Sindoro, Sumbing, Merbabu, and Mount Merapi. Sikunir mountain peak itself is the best place to enjoy the sunrise in Central Java, so many people who climb this mountain to see and enjoy the sunrise and rows of beautiful mountains. Panorama natural attractions offered by this Sikunir mountain peaks, it is really tempt for visitors. Here visitors will be amazed at the shape of the pattern of light that conjure up images of Mount Sindoro, Sumbing, Merbabu, and Mount Merapi will not be the same as the sunrise at any place, therefore so called Special Sikunir Sunrise. Visitors are advised to climb the peak Sikunir should be at 04.00 am. the visitor does not need to be afraid to climb this mountain in the morning, because there are many other visitors who set up tents in advance so as not to rush.

Many ways can be done to reach the summit of Mount Sikunir. To get to the tourist area of the town of Wonosobo Dieng Plateau, you can ride public transportation or small bus. Dieng down at the T-junction and then forwarded to ride motorcycles as far as 7 miles to the village Sembungan, or can be delivered to the parking lot in the area of Lake Cebong. For private vehicles, the road that must be taken of the area is to Dieng Plateau Dieng Theater then continue to follow the road to the village Sembungan, then to the lake Cebong. From the parking lot at the lake this tadpole you just climb to the top with a distance of approximately 800 meters commonly takes around 45 minutes until 1 hours. Access road to the village Sembungan are not too good, less light at night and a bit holey.

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