Friday, February 27, 2015

Pok Tunggal beach, Beauty Behind Two Cliffs

The name of Pok Tunggal Beach of of foreign is still sounded in our ears. The beach Pok Tunggal is indeed of new beach in a row beautiful beaches in the area Wonosari. This Pok Tunggal Beach began accessible to tourists in 2012. Beach is located on the Village area Tepus, District Tepus, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Wonosari The distance of about 50 km. The reason why this beach called beach Pok Tunggal is a Pok Tunggal name is derived from a large tree Duras, and to this day still stands at this beach, so this tree into icon or characteristic of Pok Tunggal beach.

Although the journey to this beach must pass through the steep and rocky, but comparable to what visitors get this Pok Tunggal  Beach. White sand stretches of cliffs west to east cliff. Pok Tunggal beach is flanked by two towering cliffs. If cliffs west has made way with casted and equipped with several gazebo to the right-and left the road, another case with cliffs on the east because of the slope up to 90 degrees. A tree is seen standing among thousands of sand on the beach, which seemed to have become an icon of a Pok Tunggal beach. Pok Tunggal beach is not too extensive, but visitors can perform various activities in this place. Here visitors can perform activities such as swimming, water play, or chatting with family or partner. Even for visitors who have the guts and adventurous, can climb the cliffs on the east side. The cliff has a slope of 90 degrees with a height of 50 meters. This cliff is a potential for rock climbing activities. And above this cliff, also provided a place for visitors who want to enjoy the view over the cliff.

Enjoy the beauty of the beach Pok Tunggal less complete if visitors do not enjoyed the beauty of the sunset or sunrise. Sunset or sunrise at the beach Tunggal Pok is not less interesting than the sunset or sunrise elsewhere. On this beach also provide tent rental for Visitors who want to stay in Tunggal Pok beach. Pok beach Tunggal The management is deliberately not build buildings for lodging on the grounds that the tourists who spend the night in this beach using a tent that blend with nature.

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