Saturday, March 7, 2015

Kedung Kandang waterfall, Beauty Splitting Rice fields

Information on this waterfall is relatively new, and directly booming.Curug Kedung Kandang is located in the hamlet Sendangsari Putat Village, District Patuk, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

To reach the waterfall Kedung Kandang we must pass through the rice fields trekking Bendo, it is right in front of the waterfall, but trekking far enough considering we had to pass through rice fields passable path slippery and quite narrow. Trekking to the location about 20 minutes, and is recommended for visitors to always be careful in order not to damage the rice paddies stepped citizens, remember that you are just visitors and local residents do not make trouble. Bendo the rice fields trekking passes when it was quite interesting. In some streets to the waterfall Kedung Kandang we will find some streams of water flowing toward the bottom, and at that time very green rice fields and breezes.

Kedung Kandang waterfall consists of several contiguous levels resemble stair width, its shape unique and unusual location makes kedung Kandang waterfall is very special. Each level has a different height and has a small pool, although not too deep and not too clear as it may be mixed with the lime, but it does not detract from the beauty of the waterfall Kedung Kadang.

If you are still physically strong, you can go to the top of the waterfall trekking past the edge of the field, and you will find the level of the waterfall that can not be seen from below because it obstructed the highest waterfall in Kedung Kandang, and if you continue to rise you will see the flow of water from waterfall Kedung Kandang, and will certainly exhausting.

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