Saturday, March 7, 2015

Exploration Goa Jomblang Wonosari, Yogyakarta

Capture the light beam Jomblang heaven when searching caves, it seems appropriate sentence to be a "nickname" cruising Jomblang cave this time, the light without limits can be pierced with dramatic bottom of the cave, be healers fatigue when the explorers just stopped by to sit down. Goa lies not so much untouched, little information is obtained regarding this cave, the position of the vertical cave caving cave explorers made the very need stamina and circumspection to reach the bottom of the cave. The location of the cave is not so far from Yogyakarta, just 45 km, is located in the district wonosari, Semanu position cave itself is located in the hamlet of Pacar Rejo.

To get to the location and through the cave certainly drain your stamina, but all of it will be paid when you get to the bottom of the cave, the landscape when light passes through the base of the cave is a major goal of this extreme explorers, in the cave even this can be found species of flora and fauna able to live with a little sunshine, beauty is not just up there, this cave has an aisle three, with each hallway possessed the same characteristics of natural ornaments decorated with stalactites on the ceiling of the cave, and the cave walls sloping basin resembles the other hand basin and some steep in some hallways there is water that flooded with muddy ground and a hallway that in aliri river. unique one cave passage is connected invitation another cave or cavern grubug people call within 300m of the location of the cave.

Tested the vertical sensation is the main obstacle the caver, with 50 meters into the cave and up to 85 meters in diameter, of course, required experience and expertise to the cave down, you can rappeling down a cave with a pulley and descend slowly with distance per 20 meter with manual dropping down, the guide will help you to get to the bottom of the cave.

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